Glasgow WBA
Match Details
Knockout competitions with different rules for each class of entry.
Players cannot play in more than one of the competitions.
Wed 12-Jun-2024 (18:30)
3 Bowl Pairs
Willow Bank BC(A) v Whitevale BC
@ Willow Bank BC
Lead: S.Barbour
Skip: K.Clark
Willow Bank BC(B) v Scotstounhill BC
@ Willow Bank BC
Lead: S.Lowe
Skip: TBD
Wed 19-Jun-2024 (14:00)
Willow Bank BC v Mosspark BC
@ Cardonald BC
Skip: P.Wilson
Willow Bank BC v Mosspark BC
@ Crookston BC
Lead: C.Morrow
Skip: L.Peat
Willow Bank BC v Crookston BC
@ Bishopobriggs BC
Lead: C.Reid
Second: J.Robinson
Skip: C.Robinson
Wed 03-Jul-2024 (14:00)
Willow Bank BC v Crookston BC
@ Darnley BC
Lead: A.Beetham
Second: I.Watts
Third: J.Hill
Skip: M.Wilkie